Call us: 01484 868823
At Community Places we believe that highest quality care and support is an absolute right of every service user. We strive to deliver best practice and care within the guidance frameworks. Our continuing aim of Community Places is to provide a professional and efficient service meeting everyone’s needs and requirements to achieve positive outcomes for each individual. Our long term goal is to obtain the highest possible level of satisfaction from service users and relatives.
Everyone receiving the services of Community Places should:
• expect the highest quality care possible
• be given a say in the running of the services.
Communication is key to a good workplace and with benefits for those in our care and staff alike.
• be free to complain about any aspect of the running of the service and to have their complaints welcomed and acted upon promptly.
"We seek the views of users, relatives and others involved in a person’s care through regular
meetings and an annual service users’ survey. We always encourage comment and feedback from
service users, relatives and other stakeholders."
Feedback and Complaints
The experience of people using our services and their relatives is particularly important to us.
We value and encourage feedback and use this to improve the services we provide. We investigate all complaints and try to learn from them to continuously improve the service we provide. If you need to complain about any of our services, then please get in touch and we can work together to resolve any issues.
A copy of our complaints policy is available on request.
We base our approach on continuous self-assessment and regular monitoring, reviewing and
auditing of our practices and procedures. We aim to be responsive to all forms of external feedback.
We measure our achievements against the required standards and make changes where needed to make improvements.
We believe there can always be room for improvement and we seek to hold every employee responsible for the quality of their work and to provide the training required to perform their duties to the specified quality standards.